Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

200 factors determining pagerank (google pagerank)

Posted by flow 00.06, under | No comments

200 factors determining pagerank (google pagerank)

Maybe blogger friends have often read posts about how to improve pagerank (google pagerank). There's that highlight how to improve your pagerank quickly. However I believe among how to improve pagerank is just a custom that is generated based on predictions and may also experience nature webmaster subjektif.Ada about 200 determinants google pagerank

Based on information from the official website google. Google explained that there are over 200 factors that Google used to rank (rank) a website. But google does not explain in detail the 200 factors. But from some google forum mentioned that one of the main factors is the major determinant of the relevance ranking of blogs. Such as the relevance of backlinks, the relevance of content, postings, title, tags, meta tags, keywords, etc..
Besides traffic (visitors) is also one of the main factors determining pagerank,
And hundreds of other determinants of pagerank.

In early 2010 Google has put the speed factor (old time) loading / opening a blog / website as one of the main factors determining pagerank. The faster your blog / website you open the more likely your pagerank, you have fulfilled at least 1 / 200 determinants pagerank.

More information about the determinants of PageRank can be found here how to improve pagerank

Seeing the many determinants of PageRank is the opportunity we as a novice blogger is still open to keep doing the optimization on a blog to our blog can increase its pagerank.

Some other posts that discuss tips can be found here learn seo seo blogspot

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